Racism is the belief that each race has distinct or intrinsic attributes or that one race is superior to all others. Racism comes along with hatred of one another on grounds of race and skin colour. This belief that on particular race is better than others has destroyed our people’s lives in all areas of life. This form of discrimination based on race is like a contagious disease that spreads out all over. This discrimination is against or hostility towards people of other races.

They say evil triumphs when good men do nothing and they are right. When our people sit back and watch, roots of racism anchors nations to their downfall.IT is so devastating when our people tolerate racism into such an extent that they accept it is never natural to abuse one’s rights because of their race and colour. Ways and means should be done to deal with this kind of discrimination accordingly. In retrospect of the

way racism had impact in the lives of our people in the history, it is so no lie that it has to be rooted out. Not only Africa but the world as a whole has suffered the pain of racism, many countries in the form of slavery and colonialism. Barriers should be built to prevent racism from doing further harm to our nations simply by loving each other regardless of skin colour. Racism should be fought at all angles. In a world of politics people are dying like flies only because a white or a black person is a member of a party. There is no such thing as party of whites or blacks only; this disgraceful habit should come to an end .It is very wrong and under no circumstances should those culprits be let free. These kinds of beliefs must be repealed.

In the recent years, we have read on the newspaper even now about xenophobia. This form of racism is often excused for various reasons, to mention few of those people think that people from the neighboring countries come to take their jobs and bring crime which is totally wrong. This strong antipathy to people from outside the country is influenced by racism, enough is enough. These tears that flow day by day and blood shed of our brothers and sisters .Let stop these xenophobic attacks.

Racism is a mental illness that destroys every aspect of humanity. Not so long ago a white person attempted to bury a black person alive. Not so long ago a white person attempted to bury a black person alive. Where is humanity in putting a person in a coffin people living with albinism are killed for their skin colour, believing it’s a medical benefit? Let us go back to our senses and rise above racism.

A wise man once said life is   lived forward but understood backward.  These words speak of the power and importance going back to our history as South Africans to look at how things were done could aid in fighting against racism today. I mean, if we could look closely on how our respected leaders and icons fought against the apartheid system, we will get a different outlook. Those leaders went the extra mile, sacrificed their ego and pride. Like they did, let us unite to bring this racism disease to its knees through love and peace.

That is one way of looking at it but the others, if the youth of 1976 could stand up for their rights like they did, why can`t we the youth of today stand up against racism. Those young minds of 1976 knew well what they stood for and a result earned the fruitful benefits of freedom. Let us not be different from them and follow their footsteps in rooting out racism in our country. Let us say no to racism in one voice as the future leaders of South Africa.

Also, to root out racism let us learn from the brave women of 1956 that marched to the administrative offices to protest against the carrying of pass laws. We could use this very same kind of thinking to tackle racism. Racism is not above us. If the women of 1956 stopped pass laws that means we can too end racism .By rooting out racism we protect our rainbow nation. In the Rainbow Nation every colour has its own unique role thus if one colour could be removed the Rainbow wouldn’t be as beautiful as before while it had that removed colour.  Every race is unique and special in its own way that is its greatest power .If we could grasp this attitude in our minds; racism would be nothing but history. People should be educated to respect the cultural norms and languages of other races .Racist attitude or beliefs towards people of other races must end .What should I mean about this? This thing of referring to people of their races as” these people, “whites” and “blacks” must be stopped. It is like adding salt to the wounds of racism. It pushes racism even further.

If we really dedicated to root out racism, we should walk step by step holding our black and white hands together. Actions speak louder than words. It is high time to put our anti-racism ideas into action. Let us not talk, let us do. We should try to learn and understand the beliefs, religions and languages of other races. A wise man once said is the change you want to see in the world. To put it simpler, let us change our individual thoughts before we change others. We have the ability to root out racism, let`s just use it.

In conclusion, let us root racism for the sake of our father of the nation, Tata Nelson Mandela, our heroes and heroines and lastly the future generation if not for us! Desmond Tutu said that you  can stand tall standing on someone and you can be victor without having victims. These are powerful words if not wise. Let us use them to fight against racism to root out racism. I, for one without fear or prejudice say let`s stop racism in honour of the late icon Madiba and the legacy of freedom.

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In pursuing its core objective of deepening non-racialism, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation will:

Promote the values, rights and principles enshrined in the Freedom Charter and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa;

Collect, record, promote and display, through historical artefacts and contemporary material.